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Rainy Days and Mondays

I remember the 1971 hit by The Carpenters, Rainy Days and Mondays especially today; it's Monday and it's raining. Tropical storm Colin is not too far away and with it has come lots of rain. Today we have had rain throughout the day some heavy and sometimes just a light drizzle. Rain is not a problem most of the time, since it is usually pretty dry here but since the flooding last fall, we haven't really dried out. Our drive, we call a trail, is very swampy right now. The tractor has been a great help, using the back hoe to dig run off ditches to direct water off the trail but Sunday night the hydraulic line to the back hoe burst leaving the bad places along the trail left to fill in even more when the rains moved in that night.

The day our tractor was delivered was an especially bad day for the trail and the delivery truck got stuck. The driver thought driving along the edge of the trail would be better than going through the middle but it was actually worse. Our tractor was the last one loaded, firsts to be delivered so it was backed off and used to help get the truck out of a deep bog.

Even though that is a problem we have to deal with

now and then, it doesn't stop the animals from wanting to be fed or plants to be tended, meals prepared, and other chores done. Our two grandchildren are here for a few days and the three year old enjoys helping feed the chickens and gather eggs. As we went out in the rain to do that chore today we wore our rain gear. Izzy had a slicker and rain boots. I had my mud boots and hooded jacket. Together with buckets of food we forged on in the rain to feed the noisy chickens, ducks, turkey and guinea. Izzy had a wonderful time and the fowl were just glad we finally made it outside to feed them and freshen their drinking water.

The lyrics in the Carpenters song are "Rainy days and Mondays always get me down..." We are a bit down about the condition of the trail, and we will continue to work on it until the problem is resolved. But time spent with Izzy in the rain feeding and watching the chickens and ducks was a joy!

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